Boasting 37 guestrooms, visitors at Hoel Gård can sleep in style in the guestrooms and suites on the farm. The guestrooms are spread across several buildings on the property grounds and no guestroom is alike. Each feature different furniture, colors, wallpaper, materials, and accessories that have been carefully selected to suit each room. Open the windows and feel the fresh air while listening to the sounds of the farm and be whisked away into a peaceful slumber.
The 37 guestrooms are spread across several buildings, and these include:
- The Main Building: seven double guestrooms and one single guestroom
- The Bridal Suite/Garden Suite: one double guestroom
- Porter Accommodation: nine double guestrooms, two twin guestrooms
- Welders' Accommodation: five double guestrooms, three twin guestrooms
- Manager's Accommodation: four double guestrooms, three twin guestrooms